Germany’s Coalition Government Collapsed

3 months ago

On the same day Donald Trump was reelected President of the United States, the German coalition government collapsed. America has gained a strong leader while the German government grows weaker—but not for long. Learn how a German strongman will soon dramatically reverse his nation’s decline and bring darkness upon the entire world.


Germany has always been a formidable war machine. They started both World Wars, but their history of bloody conquest goes back much further. Request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire to uncover the shocking truth about the bloodiest war-making empire in human history. Six times already, a tyrannical national leader has joined forces with a great false church to cause appalling suffering and death. Your Bible says Germany will soon be at the core of a seventh and final resurrection of this Holy Roman Empire. The destruction caused by this terrifying church-state beast power will be orders of magnitude worse than the previous six times combined!

A law of history is that it repeats itself. Request Germany and the Holy Roman Empire for an in-depth look at Germany’s aggressive war-making history. Discover Germany’s intimate involvement in most versions of the revived Holy Roman Empire. Understand the seismic shifts in Europe that tend to bring this mighty empire back to life for more war. You don’t want to be caught unaware in the near future when a German strongman seizes power and hits the warpath! The whole world will be rocked by the ensuing chaos and violence.

Also request our free booklet He Was Right to remember five decades of accurate biblical forecasting by the late Herbert W. Armstrong. Only one man warned about Germany as it lay in ruin following World War II. Mr. Armstrong exposed how Germany was already planning for World War III while losing the Second World War! He was alert to the German threat not due to any special foresight of his own, but because of the sure word of Bible prophecy. He knew that the German people are strong in many ways but easily deceived by a tyrant, and that another German tyrant would appear on the world scene in the last days preceding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Your Bible says so!

Thanks to the Holy Bible, Mr. Armstrong also accurately predicted many key happenings throughout Europe and in America, China, Russia, the Middle East and other global hotspots. He looked to the God who controls world events, and he was rewarded tremendously. Study He Was Right to learn what Mr. Armstrong always knew: that the Almighty God rules in the kingdoms of men!

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Germany and the Holy Roman Empire and He Was Right. Order now!

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