Operation Head Start 1965

3 months ago

This archival video comes from a promotional documentary made by the Office of Economic Opportunity about the Head Start Center for poverty-stricken children in a Mexican-American community in Van Nuys, California. It explains how the program gave the children more confidence and self-respect to prepare them for the world of education. The video shows a colunteer teacher visiting parents and children to stress the importance of the program.

The video file is available for download at: http://media.nara.gov/mopix/381/381-33.wmv


Creator: Office of Economic Opportunity. (1964 - 1981) (Most Recent)

Series: Moving Images Relating to Anti-Poverty Programs, compiled 1964 - ca. 1979, documenting the period 1940 - ca. 1979

Record Group 381: Records of the Community Services Administration, 1963 - 1981

Production Date:1965

Scope & Content:PROMOTIONAL DOCUMENTARY: On the development of a Head Start Center for poverty-stricken children in a Mexican-American community in the wealthy suburb of Van Nuys, Calif. Explains how the program. in only a few weeks, gave these children more confidence and self-respect to prepare them for the world of education. Shows a volunteer teacher visiting parents and children to stress the importance of Head Start. Includes scenes of children in classroom activities to help them learn English and prepare them for kindergarten.

Contact(s):National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RD-DC-M), National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540
Fax: 301-837-3620
Email: mopix@nara.gov

National Archives Identifier:72843
Local Identifier:381.33

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