William de Rothschild died in Hollywood Hills house fire 11/27/2024

3 months ago

So this just happened the evening before Thanksgiving day. I included the media video reporting at the end. But I recommend reading the screenshots I shared at the beginning. The news reports he was found dead at the front door.

William de Rothschild Died In Hollywood Hills House Fire On 11/27/2024. He was found dead at the front door. It took 45 firefighters to control house fire on Lookout Mountain in 33 Minutes.

I customized this background and description, took these screenshots, and added the background music for storytelling ambiance.

Los Angeles Times 11/28/24: Member of prominent Rothschild family found dead after Laurel Canyon house fire, neighbors say

A man found dead after his Laurel Canyon house was badly damaged in a fire Wednesday afternoon was a member of the prominent Rothschild banking family, neighbors said.

The body discovered at the Lookout Mountain Avenue property was that of William Rothschild, three people told The Times on Thursday. A magazine seen at the property was addressed to “WM DE ROTHSCHILD.”

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