"ALL ABOARD" THE St HELENA EXPRESS Vendee Globe Day 15 Onboard Sam, Jeremie, Louis, Boris, Romain..

3 months ago

The 24 hour solo monohull record had already been broken twice on this tenth edition of the Vendée Globe but last night it fell successively to an onslaught of attacks as the leaders of the solo non stop race round the world enjoyed perfect conditions for sustained high speed.

Thomas Ruyant, (VULNERABLE), Nicolas Lunven, (Holcim – PRB), Charlie Dalin, (MACIF Santé Prévoyance), Sébastien Simon, (Groupe Dubreuil), Jérémie Beyou, (Charal) and Yoann Richomme, (PAPREC Arkea), all pushed the mark higher and higher. But, appropriately it was Richomme who held the record set five days ago, who trumped the fast moving, hard driving peloton with a new mark of 579.86 miles, devoured in flat water and 17 to 20 knots winds, between 0130 hours UTC yesterday, and the same time early this morning.

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