残心 zanshin.【追儺 Tsuina Ceremony 】13

2 months ago

Meaning that the mind is uninterrupted. To be aware of,
Especially after completing a technique, while relaxing or unwinding.
state of attention, especially after completing a technique.

Don't allow yourself to be distracted after defeating an enemy with a piece of iai.
Keep your eyes on the opponent.

In this case, since neither of them was killed or wounded.
I thought the concept of zanshin might not apply.

I thought it might be an act of recognizing the other person, and that is why the title “zanshin” was chosen.

Also, when sheathed his sword, he did an action called “Bokufuri” (blood swing).
when he sheathes his sword, which is a kind of habit.

In the iaido style, this “kokuburi” is a part of the action.
This movement seems to be included in the iaido style.
In Japanese historical dramas such as “abarenbo Shogun, 暴れん坊将軍”
this kind of swordsmanship is used.

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