Fatlips Castle

3 months ago

Fatlips Castle sits atop Minto Crags a few miles from the Borders village of Denholm, Teviotdale, and about a mile from the nearest road. Built in the 1500s by the Turnbull family of Border reivers (raiders), the tower was beautifully restored from a poor state in 2013. And the name? Theories range from a goat called Fatlips which bleated loudly at the sight of approaching forces, to the castle occupants’ fondness for kissing visiting guests, and several other stories in between. Access to the interior is now not possible as the Key which was available in the past in no longer provided sadly but the setting is reason enough for a visit – with fantastic views along Teviotdale, north to the Eildon Hills and southeast to the English border. In previous years, you could pick up the front door key by leaving a small deposit, the payments were also assisting in restoration costs and you could then explore inside. However, i think the system must have been abused as they stopped handing out the key which is a real shame.
I do have a previous video where all four (floorless) storeys) and 56 feet are connected by a spiral staircase extending all the way up to the parapet walk, but have not uploaded it here (yet)
From the parking spot at the very bottom of the climb it’s a 30 - 40 minute walk (each way) to the castle although it is a lot quicker coming down than going up haha :)
I hope you enjoy this video and dont forget to check out the previous visit for internal views once its uploaded, it is from quite a few years ago so the quality may not be as good.
As always watch in the highest quality your device can handle for the best viewing experience.

Thank you for taking time to watch.

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