Ch10 The Menace of Communism The Curse of Canaan A Demonology of History Eustace Mullins

2 months ago

In forty years of dedicated investigative research, Eustace Mullins has drawn considerable return fire. He was kept under daily surveillance by agents of the FBI for thirty-two years; no charges were ever placed against him. He is the only person ever fired from the staff of the Library of Congress for political reasons. He is the only writer who has had a book burned in Europe since 1945.

After serving thirty-eight months in the U. S. Army Air Force during World War II, Eustace Mullins was educated at Washington and Lee University, Ohio State University, University of North Dakota, and New York University. He later studied art at the Escuela des Bellas Artes, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C.

While studying in Washington, he was asked to go to St. Elizabeth's Hospital to talk to the nation's most famous political prisoner, Ezra Pound. The outstanding literary figure of the twentieth century, Pound had seen three of his pupils awarded the Nobel Prize, while it was denied to him because of his pronouncements as a native American patriot.

Not only did Eustace Mullins become his most active protege, he is the only person who keeps Ezra Pound's name alive today, through the work of the Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, which was founded shortly after the poet's death in Venice.

With the present work, Eustace Mullins hopes to end a three-thousand-year blackout behind which the enemies of humanity have operated with impunity in carrying out their Satanic program.

It is very late in the history of our civilization. This book is written solely with the goal of renewing our ancient culture, and of bringing it to new heights.

Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan—ii


After forty years of patient study of the crises which faces humanity, I arrived at a very simple conclusion—all conspiracies are Satanic!

In retrospect, this conclusion should surprise no one. I admit that it came as something of a surprise to me. I had never anticipated that my decades of work would lead to such an all-encompassing and unchallengeable solution. This answer had eluded me through the years, not because I was on the wrong track, but because I had not yet consulted the ultimate source of knowledge—the Bible.

To trace the machinations of the materialist conspiracy, I had deliberately limited myself to materialist sources-reference material on banking, politics, economics, and the biographies of those who were most deeply involved in these affairs.

When at last I did decide to look up some references in the Bible, a task which was greatly simplified by a number of excellent Concordances, such and Nelson's and Strong's, I was overwhelmed by its immediacy, by its directness, and by the applicability of its words to present-day happenings.

As the months went by and I continued this research, I was not overwhelmed by a sense of deja vu, but by an overpowering conviction that very little had changed in the last three thousand years.

My first revelation was that "God has no secrets from man." It is Satan who must confine his work to stealthy conspiracies of deception, and to promises which will never be kept.

"And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world" (Rev. 12:9). It is for this reason that politicians, of necessity, must become followers of Satan in the rebellion against God.

Politicians must deceive the people in order to gain power over them, just as Satan must deceive the whole world if he is to continue his rebellion against God. Satan takes you to the top of the mountain and offers you all the kingdoms of the earth (Martin Luther King proclaimed, "I have been to the top of the mountain," but he never revealed what had taken place there); the politician offers you free food, free lodging, free medical care —everything will become "free at last!" The politician offers to defend you against your enemies, so that he can deliver you to the ultimate enemy—Satan.

Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan—iii

God does not make offers to you in competition with Satan and his politicians. What could God offer you when he has already given you the whole world?

This was an over-simplification, although I was not aware of it at that time. I had written this book under great stress; my father had died as the result of harassment by federal agents. Their goal was to force me to give up this work.

I had eagerly sought out the facts about each of the many conspiracies, and I now was able to define their interlocking into the one world "Conspiracy of Conspiracies."

What more could He do than to send His Only Begotton Son to preserve this world for you when it was threatened by Satan? And why would God wish to veil His love for you behind arcane mysteries, occult conspiracies, and obscene practices? Once my return to the Bible had given me the answers for which I had been seeking so many years, I realized that I had arrived at the culmination of this life's work.

I had traced the names and activities of the principal actors in the Satanic drama which this world has become, a world which I described in 1968 in "My Life in Christ" as "Satan's Empire."

Other members of my family continued to undergo daily harassment because of the federal campaign against me.

I had not been overcome by despair, but it did seem to me, in that period of my life, that Satan had indeed achieved a temporal victory over this world—not a permanent victory, but a gain which he could defend and which he might consolidate for years to come.

The next forty years brought me many startling revelations of the behind-the-scenes forces which had planned and perpetrated the mass murders of humanity.

I had finally, as one writer put it, "uncovered the forces of war."

I was also able to find the sources of the Satanic ideology which has been consistently employed to deceive humanity, and to trick them into becoming unwitting tools of the Satanic programs; an ideology which we encounter today in various forms, such as Communism, Fabianism, secular humanism, and other disguises.

February 22, 1987.

Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan—vi

Pdf Link to The Curse of Canaan written by Eustace Mullins:



"Esau, Edomites, Phoenicians, Canaanites & Jews" written by Daniel P. Faigin, which sites The Curse of Canaan multiple times.

Pdf link:


"Eustace Mullins Exposes & Legal Actions 1991-1997"

Pdf link:

Terrorist ADL Sued By Daring Patriot Eustace Mullins
By Eustace Mullins

Dec. 7, 1993 has become an historic date with the filing of a $100 million lawsuit against the most feared group in the United States, the Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’Rith. Writer Eustace Mullins, 70, of 126 Madison Place, Staunton, VA 24401, author of such best sellers as: Murder by Injection, exposé of the Drug Trust; Secrets of the Federal Reserve, exposé of the Money Trust; The World Order, exposé of the Secret Government;

The Curse of Canaan, exposé of secret conspiracies; and The Rape of Justice, exposé of the legal monopoly, defends himself against almost 50 years of persecution by the ADL as retaliation for his exposés.

The last living protege of poet Ezra Pound, a native American curmudgeon who commissioned Mullins to write the history of the Federal Reserve System in 1948, caught the attention of the FBI and the ADL when this work appeared in 1953. They have harassed him ever since. In 1959, Mullins wrote the only authorized biography of Pound, This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound, published by Fleet publishers in New York.

After serving on the staff of the Library of Congress, Mullins became a financial consultant to the American Petroleum Institute in Rockefeller Center. He later became a public relations executive for the Chicago Motor Club. He has been a fulltime writer, lecturer, radio and television personality since 1958. He lectures throughout the United States, and is a guest on many talk shows.

Mullins charges the ADL with inciting racial hatred and hate crimes under RICO statutes and statutes outlawing criminal syndicalism. He says the ADL has consistently denied his freedom of speech and civil rights. The suit has been filed with the United States District Court in the District of Columbia. Mullins looks to the court for a landmark decision on professional hatemongering and the commercial purveying of racial strife.

Eustace Clarence Mullins

March 9, 1923 - February 2, 2010

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