Vendee Globe Onboard Report Day 10 PAPREC Breaks Distance Record, Boris, Jean LeC, Isabelle (Subs),

2 months ago

Like, Share, Subscribe to this channel for alerts when we upload our Vendee Globe and weekly content. Don't miss out!One week-on exactly, since Nico Lunven, (HOLCIM-PRB), set a new solo 24 hours monohull distance record, Paprec Arkéa solo skipper Yoann Richomme, dramatically bettered that mark this morning, in the Vondée Globe, before running out of track and hitting the buffers, as he and the other leaders of the solo non stop race around the world slowed into the Doldrums.

The contrast could not have been more marked. Richomme sailed a distance of 551.84 nautical miles in the 24 hours up to 0830 hours this morning in near perfect conditions. But a few short hours later he was was all but stopped, floating in almost millpond like winds that had ‘welcomed’ him to the Doldrums.
Other reports from Boris, Oliver, Isabelle, Jea LeC more

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