⚔️ Parachinar Persecution & Pakistan - #FireAtWill

2 months ago

⚔️ Parachinar Persecution & Pakistan - #FireAtWill

Having been pressurised to speak on the subject, Shaykh Muzaffer Hyder dives into why he was reluctant to speak about the Parachinar massacre, how the mantra of "Shia Genocide" could benefit the enemies and how it's our duty to take action.

🌄 Imam Mahdi (a) is not coming to fight your battles for you. You need to rise up to help the cause of God.

⚰️ Rogue scholars are responsible for keeping the Ummah divided, misguided, asleep and dead. Wake 'em up.

🕌 I would like to thank the brothers for pressurising me to address the issue. Take it upon yourselves to pressurise the scholars and community leaders to take Revolutionary stances.

This is especially for my Pakistani brothers, sisters and comrades, who I have a great deal of respect for. But the message is a message for the whole world.

Embrace your destiny.

#FireAtWill 📿

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