My Journey into Another Eden: Day 14

3 months ago

The video for Day 13 is having issues. I will have it posted asap.
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:45 Draw Time x2
00:06:32 Chapter 41
00:12:36 Chapter 42
00:29:50 Chapter 43
00:58:20 Chapter 44
01:29:12 Oh, No!!!!!
01:32:20 After Game Update - Zennon Returns!
02:07:56 Orge Wars Completed
02:12:35 Tails of Time and the Brave Four Tales of Chronographia
02:13:05 Prologue 1: Legend Teller
02:30:31 Prologue 2: One's Own Teller
02:46:38 Prologue 3: Faith Teller
02:56:51 Prologue 4: Righteous Teller
03:08:21 Chapter 1: Where Stories Meet

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