Billboard Battalion Live - Bills going through parliament being used to destroy farmers - 12/11/2024

3 months ago

Today Farmer Wade does his live from a wheat crop in North Central Victoria and discusses how much longer you are going to see wheat crops for, or in-fact any crops.

He talks about the many changes that are happening and bills that are going through parliament that are being passed by our Parliaments that will be used to destroy our farmers, their business’s and our food production when the vast majority of these farmers don’t want to know about it. Good luck with that.

The most important part of any decision is having the knowledge about the subject in the first place.

As we look at the upcoming harvest period and farmers are very busy getting crop off, the Politicians in our Federal and State Parliaments are very busy creating and passing legislation that will wipe our farmers out.

All this crap about climate change and the mitigation strategies to supposedly fight climate change will destroy our farmers.

The misinformation disinformation bill currently going through the Federal Parliament will if it is passed make anybody who complains about this into a criminal and will end up in jail.

Farmer Wade
Billboard Battalion

Koyuga, North Central Victoria
Tuesday 12th November, 2024

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