TOLDOT: Why Do You Have Such A Difficult Life? | STUMP THE RABBI (221)

3 months ago

Parashat Toldot begins with the enormous test Yitzachak and Rivka had by having two children that are destined to be enemies. After that we reverse back to test of famine that occurred before having children. Though not as much as Avraham, his father, it is clear that major difficulty paved the road of Yitzchak Avinu's life.

In fact, it looks like everyone in the Torah had a difficult life, and today we'll learn some critical lessons for it that can be used to understand why our own lives are so difficult. This is a critical shiur for anyone who wants to have answers that will strengthen their Emunah and Bitachon while navigating the bumpy road of life.

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0:00:00 Introduction
0:07:40 Yitzchak's Face Changed Miraculously to Resemble Avraham, Silencing Doubters of His Lineage
0:08:31 Yitzchak and Rivkah's 22-Year Wait for Children
0:08:59 Why is Rivkah Pacified by Bearing Both a Righteous and an Idolatrous Child?
0:11:58 Esav Deceived Yitzchak, Hiding His Wickedness and Snake Tattoo Symbolizing His True Nature
0:12:50 Non-Chronological Order in Torah (Ramban)
0:13:31 "There was a Famine in the Land, aside from the First Famine that was in the Days of Abraham" (Gen. 26 v. 1)
0:14:14 The Megillat Esther Highlights Torah's Depth—Not Story Books (Vilna Gaon)
0:16:02 Why Avraham Went to Egypt While Yitzchak Stayed in Israel (Malbim)
0:19:50 The Malbim: Fought Reformers, Endured Persecution, Yet Produced Profound Torah Commentary
0:22:02 Why Do You Have Such a Difficult Life?
0:29:48 Why Avraham Went to Egypt While Yitzchak Stayed in Israel (Malbim)
0:42:56 Avraham Passed All HIs Tests with Flying Colors (Bava Batra)
0:44:09 Job Questioned the Ways of G-d (Bava Batra)
0:45:56 If they Only Knew It Would Have Been Written in the Eternal Torah
0:47:42 Nachum Ish Gam Zu: “This, Too, is for the Best” (Taanis 21a)
0:49:11 R. Akiva: "Whatever the Merciful One Does is for the Best" (Berachos 60b)
0:54:21 Difficulties Arise Whether You Serve G-d or Not
0:55:31 Trap of the Satan: Following Mitzvot for Benefits Instead of God’s Command
1:00:54 Conclusion

1:05:21 When Did Hashem Create the Torah?
1:07:24 Why Did G-d Make Moshe Rabbeinu a Giant?
1:09:05 What Were the Names of Adam Rishon's Other Children?
1:15:10 How Can One Merit a Miracle?
1:18:28 Can a Jew Pray in a Mosque?
1:19:24 Is Islam Considered Idolatry?
1:20:23 Is it a Chillul Hashem for a Jew to Pray in a Mosque?
1:20:50 The Rabbi Does Not Drink
1:21:33 What is Mentch, Midrash, and Gemara
1:23:03 Ultimate Purpose of the Oral Torah
1:23:33 Stump the Rabbi in a Shul?
1:24:42 How Far Back Can the Rabbi Trace His Lineage?
1:24:59 Smartphone for AI Rabbi?
1:27:22 Where Did the Name Israel Come From?
1:28:07 G-d Has No Image or Likeness of an Image
1:28:40 The Truth About Idolatrous Christianity
1:30:36 When did the Hebrews Become Known as the Jews?
1:30:59 Has the Rabbi Ever Looked at Islam?
1:31:28 How Are We Made in G-d's Image if He Has no Image?
1:32:27 When was the Satan Made?
1:32:51 The Significance of Circumcision
1:35:11 Netilat Yadayim Parameters
1:36:39 Ain Od Milvado (There is Nothing Else Besides Him)
1:37:07 Can Circumcision Improve Intimacy?
1:37:34 Were All Prophets Born on Friday
1:37:47 Noahide Instructions
1:38:48 Not Teaching Kabbalah to the Public
1:39:18 Who Wrote the Zohar?
1:39:28 Are Muslims Considered Noahides?
1:40:55 Guiding, Not Raising Students
1:41:52 Kiruv Challenges
1:42:37 The Rabbi Does Not Agree with Genocide
1:43:12 Physical and Spiritual Attraction
1:48:19 Small or Larger Community to Convert?
1:49:31 Cash Advance
1:50:47 Can a Muslim Marry a Jewish Woman?
1:51:30 Is Islam Considered Idolatry? (cont.)
1:52:40 The Sea of Reeds Split into 12 Rainbow-Shaped Tunnels (MeAm Loez)
1:54:17 Tall Men with Short Women
1:55:16 Avraham Gave Gifts to Haggar's Children
1:55:38 Suffering—Punishment
1:57:04 Should a Convert Marry a Convert?
1:57:35 Birkat HaBayit (Blessing for the Home)
1:58:33 Did Hashem Prevent My Friend's Wedding, or Was It His Own Mistake?
2:03:27 AI Rabbi by Be'Ezrat HaShem

TOLDOT: Why Do You Have Such A Difficult Life? | STUMP THE RABBI (221)

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