James Roguski, Debra Yuille and Jody Clune discuss the Australian IHR 2024

3 months ago

Aussie Ambassadors Debra Yuille discuss in further details the impact of the IHR 2024 in Australia with James Roguski and Jody Clune.

The IHR (International Health Regulations) 2024 became available for public submissions and consideration by the Joint Standing Committee of Treaties (JSCT) on the 4th November 2024 and close on the 23rd January 2025.
For details on making your own submission please head to;
For help in completing your submission, please use the following guide;
For points to consider;

To understand Australian's current Workplace and COVID Vaccination Human Rights standing please read the following court cases and Fair Work Australia to help understand where you are positioned to say NO!

Remember, your consent MUST be given. The more we stand together and say NO, the more change we can bring.

The manner in which the past mandates and Health Directives have been enforce is not an indication of its lawful standing.

Queensland Human Rights Commission - Case Highlight for Human Right violation; Johnston v Commissioner of Police [2024] (QLD) https://www.qhrc.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/50265/Case-note_-Johnston-v-Commissioner-of-Police.pdf

Human Rights Law Centre - COVID-19 vaccination directions issued to QLD Police and Ambulance Services ruled unlawful; https://www.hrlc.org.au/human-rights-case-summaries/2024/06/05/johnston-ors-v-carroll-2024

Tribunal orders compensation for SA government employee who developed pericarditis after COVID jab; ABC article by Josephine Lim, Wed 31 Jan

For further information on Australia's current COVID-19 vaccinations and federal discrimination law;

Thank you James for your expertise and understanding. For more information from James, please head to;

Substack - https://jamesroguski.substack.com/
Phone - 310-619-3055

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