Communicating with Your Angels

2 months ago

Nancy Yearout's connection to Source Energy is strong, and her mission is to help lift humanity to a new vibration of love and connection. Nancy is an Angel Communicator who channels Archangel Gabriel's message for humanity. Her gifts include claircognizance (clear knowing), clairsentience (clear physical feeling), clairsalience (clear smelling), and some clairvoyance (clear seeing). As a light worker she brings forth love and light to the world with my voice and my words of wisdom. She teaches how to connect to Source Energy and to your Guardian Angel. Nancy teaches spiritual law so everyone knows how the universal energy flows.
A Guide to Angel Communication was written to inspire humanity to connect back to Spirit/God and the Angelic Realm. We are energetic souls having a human experience, but we have lost our connection to source energy and our friends, the Angels

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