this dream would fill me until it killed me

3 months ago

true love exists in a song or on a Cross
i've always had this movie playing in my head
does that make me a coward or am i just more honest about it
did this fantasy infantilize me or what
i get lonely but not enough to believe in a one n only
sumin i would repeat in my head until i got sick of it
every relationship was more short-lived than the last
it's not yer fault, don't take it personally
the part of me that lies to myself loved you, i promise
i can't get away w/ a lie for very long
love n relationships are often a type of addiction cos people dunno themselves
i guess i am in a committed relationship w/ plants
does every human being do this or is this a mental illness thing
when i'm on stage i am truly in the moment, nowhere else
my most controversial opinion involves the concept of disease
perhaps i am biologically wired to be alone
if you know that you're fucked up BE ALONE damnit
i tried to fit in but couldn't so i just gave up
only crazy bitches really "get" Jesus
i really don't believe in true love anymore
narcissism is demonic anyway
grateful for every terrible time i've had being so sad
this thing i never thought i could/would get over
i miss smoking weed so much
i used to rewrite the same love story over n over again
my original yt channel name was called aim less for a reason
i listen to my body is all
revelations happen daily hahahaha
i guess this is why i could never write about it to my satisfaction
so the last major blow to my ego made me realize that i was a crazy person
i need to stop generalizing so much
praying during sex...CLASSIC ag
by pure i just mean new
obsessively changing profile pic during fb's rudimentary stage
burning in hell is eternal heat

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