Are We Under Natural Law | No Longer Under The Corrupt Maritime Law

2 months ago

What Is Natural Law
A Needed Repeat
Everything in its time. As in Noah’s day, everything continues on as from our fathers day until today. So they say.

There are two ways out of this world. Death and the Resurrection.
Little do they know we are on the cusp of both of these events.
A group of the great dying off and a group of those who change perceptions.

I speak of great mysteries to high for me.

Join us as we take a new look at the End of World as we know it.

We don’t need to change places. We need only to change our consciousness to miss the catastrophic consequences of this Earth.

Remember what the Scripture says.
The meek shall inherit the Earth.

“Blessed [inwardly peaceful, spiritually secure, worthy of respect] are the [a]gentle[the kind-hearted, the sweet-spirited, the self-controlled], for they will inherit the earth.”
Matthew 5:5

How are we to inherit the Earth if the Earth is destroyed.
It us who will be changed !!

Raising Your Consciousness to at least the Heart chakra.
Do you not see where most of the world has devolved. The center of attention is on the Root chakra.
They can’t get past it because that is where their treasure is located.
A verse with a blessing and curse.

Matthew 6:21
The World and by extension the Freemasons are offering you the dregs the pig shit of this world as satisfaction.

(Why did prodigal son wake in a pig stye; because that is what the world is offering you. Pig Shit.)

As Freemasons are centered
on the Root chakra
Their practices are centered on Dedication to Death, They Worship Defecation, the Degradation, the Entropy, Everyone Else Is Less-Than.

Their Pleasure Is The Most Important.
They are service to SELF FIRST
I know I have used this illustration beforehand and I will use it again as a contrast of “The Way of Life.”
The way of life in contrast to the way of death.

If a crowd is moving together. I at first watch to see, as Levi did, getting up in the tree to see if the crowd is moving towards Jesus or away to death.

Do you not see it yet!!
Rub the scales from your spiritual eyes!!

They are offering you a defective world full defecation.
The lowest forms of pleasure.
In the end they will jettison you out. Only one percent of you who choose that way will endure.
Only the most ruthless will survive.
Yeshua on the other hand is offering Life and that more abundant.
John 10:10

Instead of jettisoning you or forgetting about you.
Love demands He is going to look for you and find you.
One hundred percent of those who chose Yashua will make it.

Matthew 18:12
And so shall some of you
And so shall some of you have done
And some of you knew how remember

The Most Beautiful Gem In This Spiral Arm of this Universe
We were created by a Creator to be a message receiver.
We were created by a Creator to be message sender.

Let me ask you?
Why would Our Creator eject us into a Ocean of Aether without an Aegis?

It would be incredibly inconceivable.

Now we are moving into a New World of consciousness, where mistakes are not as disastrous.
Love is not only possible it is seen being broadcast.

The Earth, like you, is alive to give birth to a new generation of flora and fauna.
New species will be found by explorers and wonder how we missed all of these new life forms.

You the glowing ones, you the lighted ones. We will recognize even as we are recognized.

1 Corinthians 13:12

As Always
Baby Dragon For Sale


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