WTD ep.141 John Fell Ryan 'discussing Stanley Kubrick's work'

2 months ago

John Fell Ryan is an artist, film maker, musician, writer & father. John has been on the main nerve of the Kubrick discussion for years. He ran a blog titled 'KDK12' & he was featured in the documentary film Room 237 (2012). You will recall John revealed to us that The Shining (1980) synchronizes with itself when we mirror the film & project it on top of itself. Each projection at 50% opacity, one playing the film forwards & the other playing the film backwards. We are able to see much more information & our brains can process it in a totally new way. This was a major influence on Sean's thinking when creating the Fidelio Experiments, where we can dissect Eyes Wide Shut (1999) in a similar way.
John is here for an informal discussion about Stanley Kubrick's work. Hopefully John will join us again someday to discuss Repo Man (1984). Please enjoy the conversation...
Find John Fell Ryan's work here:
“Overlooks: The Stanley Hotel and Environs” video: ⁠https://vimeo.com/1019759232
KDK12 video art channel: ⁠https://vimeo.com/kdk12
Original KDK12 blog: ⁠https://www.tumblr.com/kdk12
Excepter youtube channel: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/excepter
Excepter bandcamp channel: ⁠https://excepter.bandcamp.com/

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