Star Citizen - 3.24.3 First Look - Is It Still Worth It Playing Star Citizen?

1 month ago

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In this video, we dive into the latest Star Citizen update, version 3.24.3. We'll take a first look at the new features and changes, but unfortunately, our excitement is tempered by ongoing performance issues that are making it increasingly frustrating to play.

We discuss the recent news from Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) about an upcoming full server wipe and free play period from November 22nd to 25th. While this might seem like a welcome respite for some players, we share our concerns that these wipes are not addressing the underlying problems with the game's performance and stability.

As we explore the new update, we highlight some of the issues we're experiencing, including crashing, lag, and other bugs that are making it difficult to enjoy the game. We also express our disappointment that these problems persist despite repeated updates and promises from CIG to improve the game's quality.

This video is a honest reflection of our experience with Star Citizen, and we invite you to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below. What do you think about the current state of the game? Are you experiencing similar issues, or are you finding it enjoyable despite the problems?


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