Saturday Studies 2nd Corinthians 1-3 11-30-2024

3 months ago

This is our second session in 2nd Corinthians. We will finish chapter 1 and then look at chapter 2 and a portion of chapter 3.
We find all three member of the Trinity referenced in 1:21-22. God the Father (Theos), God the Son (Christos), and the Holy Spirit (Pneuma).
Then first portion of chapter 2 deals with instruction to forgive the one who had been disciplined for an abominable relationship who has since repented. Then we get into one of my favorite portions of 2nd Corinthians in 2:14 that will go all the way through chapter 5. We learn that all believers become a "fragrance" of Christ to the world, either a fragrance of death to those unsaved or a fragrance of life to those who have become Christ followers.
Chapter 3 presents the believers in Corinth as Paul's living letter, or epistle, to the world. Therefore he needs no letter of commendation to the people who know the Corinthians because the Corinthian believers have become that letter of commendation for him.

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