Alien Scientist demolished by 911 Revisionist

2 months ago

Please download and re-upload to his X profile - the coward has me blocked

Alien Scientist, Jeremy Rys was having a live chat on his channel, spouting a bunch of disinformation on 9/11 and then made the mistake of letting me talk to him mid podcast...

As soon as I made points he could NOT refute, he muted me and went on an ad hominem tirade as all 9/11 "truther" pushing the b/s thermite theory...

Also listen to him explain the "Hutchison Effect" which he deleted off his YT channel years ago... Jeremy - The internet is forever.

After listening to the above video interactions, my guess is that he might be forced to play dumb.

Read pages 36 to 41 in Andrew Johnson's book - 9/11 Holding the truth.

FREE E-Book Download:

You sir are a limited hangout claiming to be pro-free energy research, yet you deny free energy technology in play on 9/11.

You're too much of a COWARD to go into a civil debate where you will have to defend the weak thermite theory for the explanation of the destructive force we saw on 9/11....

Contrary to the "nanothermite" hypothesis of the "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth," the Twin Towers were evidently destroyed at low temperatures, revealing the reality of "Cold Fusion". – Prof David A, Hughes

There are three key layers to perception management:
(i) the official narrative,
(ii) the official approved alternative narrative, and
(iii) the truth.

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