Assurance of Salvation - Never Doubt Again!

2 months ago

This video discusses the assurance of salvation, emphasizing the importance of understanding core biblical doctrines, such as justification, redemption, and sanctification, to eliminate doubts regarding one's salvation. It highlights that many people doubt their salvation due to a lack of knowledge about these doctrines and often rely on their own righteousness, which is flawed.

The video articulates that justification is a declaration of righteousness by God, achieved through faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who bore the sins of mankind. It underscores the necessity of belief in the gospel message, affirming that salvation is not based on human works but on faith in Christ.

The video explores key scripture passages, emphasizing that no one can justify themselves through their deeds, as true righteousness comes through faith in Jesus. It clarifies that regeneration occurs when a person believes in Christ, marking a spiritual rebirth and transformation, whereby believers become new creatures filled with the Holy Spirit. The video also differentiates between the old sinful nature and the new nature endowed by this spiritual rebirth, which does not sin.

Furthermore the video addresses misconceptions surrounding salvation and sin, asserting that although believers may still sin in their flesh, their renewed spirit remains incorruptible and kept blameless by the power of God. It encourages believers to rely on the promises of God's word and reassures them of their eternal security. The video explains that the new birth and regeneration cannot be undone, reinforcing that those truly saved are forever part of God's family.

The video then transitions into the discussion of understanding your adoption into God's family, explaining how salvation not only brings forgiveness but also a new status as a child of God. This adoption signifies a complete change in the believer’s position, removing them from the realm of sin and placing them into God's family, further emphasizing the significance of faith in Christ for understanding one's identity as a son or daughter of God.The continuation emphasizes that believers have an everlasting inheritance secured in heaven, described as incorruptible and undefiled, pointing out that those in Christ are preserved by God’s power through faith. It contests the notion of losing salvation, stating that being chosen by God is contingent upon believing in Jesus Christ. The video references Ephesians 1:4-14 to illustrate that any believers who were predestined for adoption before the foundation of the world, were acceptance into God's family based on faith in Christ. (God who is outside of time foreknew everyone who would believe).

The video further elaborates on sanctification, It identifies three aspects of sanctification: past, present, and future. Upon belief in Christ, believers are sanctified, reflecting their washed and justified status.

Presently because of our dual nature, the sinful flesh vs new spiritual rebirth, which does not sin, the video talks about living a set apart life for God. God gives us free will over sanctifying our flesh in our daily lives ( not for salvation ), which includes living a life that reflects holiness and separation from sin, serving as witnesses for Christ. A strong emphasis is placed on the necessity of reading God's word and maintaining a close relationship with Him to provide assurance and guidance in living a sanctified life.

Consequences of neglecting this relationship may lead to doubt about one’s salvation or result in chastisement from God, which serves to correct and redirect believers back to a righteous path. The video underscores that while one’s eternal standing with God is secure upon believing in Christ, daily choices influence one’s experience of sanctifying one's sinful flesh unto service to God. This will be rewarded by God in the judgment seat of Christ. (1 Corinthians 3)

The video discusses the role of spiritual circumcision through Christ, indicating that believers' souls are freed from the bondage of sin, assuring them that their mistakes do not jeopardize their salvation. It clarifies the distinction between relationship and fellowship with God, where the former remains constant while the latter can weaken due to sin.

The concept of propitiation is introduced, explaining how Jesus' death appeased God’s wrath against sin. Citing various scriptures, it reinforces that salvation is available to all who believe in Christ, regardless of their past sins, and stresses the urgency of accepting the gospel message. The video concludes with a call to action for believers to share the gospel and live in a manner that reflects the salvation they have received, encouraging them to focus on their eternal hope and the transformative power of faith in Jesus Christ.

Feel free to grab your King James bible and pause the video to read along.

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