The Wild Robot

1 month ago

The Wild Robot movie, based on Peter Brown's bestselling novel, is a 2024 animated adventure directed by Chris Sanders and produced by DreamWorks Animation. The story follows Roz (ROZZUM Unit 7134), an intelligent robot stranded on a remote island after a shipwreck. To survive, Roz adapts to the wilderness, befriends the local animals, and becomes the surrogate mother to an orphaned gosling named Brightbill. The film explores themes of motherhood, survival, and the intersection of technology with nature.

The voice cast includes Lupita Nyong’o as Roz, Pedro Pascal as a mischievous fox named Fink, Kit Connor as Brightbill, and Stephanie Hsu as a retrieval robot sent to capture Roz. Other notable voices include Catherine O’Hara, Bill Nighy, and Mark Hamill. The movie has been praised for its emotional depth and visually stunning animation.

If you're interested in further details or showtimes, check Universal Pictures' website or your local theaters.

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