Lefties losing it . Dr Jay Bhattacharya - Demolition Man

3 months ago

Lefties losing it: MSNBC presenter spreads "disgusting lie" about Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

Sky News Australia
5.1 million subscribers

Sky News presenter Rita Panahi has sharply criticized MSNBC presenter Rachel Maddow for spreading a "disgusting lie" about Stanford University doctor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and his opinions on COVID-19.Lefties losing it...

A policeman is taken out of prison to pursue an old ultra-violent nemesis who roams freely in a non-violent society of the future.

Demolition Man (trailer/a final scene)
1 hour 55 minutes
Marco Brambilla
Peter M. LenkovRobert ReneauDaniel Waters
Main cast
Sylvester StalloneWesley SnipesSandra Bullock

Frozen in 1996, Simon Phoenix, a convicted crime lord, is revived for a parole hearing well into the 21st century. Revived into a society free from crime, Phoenix resumes his murderous rampage, and no one can stop him. John Spartan, the police officer who captured Phoenix in 1996, has also been cryogenically frozen, this time for a crime he did not commit. In 2032, the former cities of Los Angeles, San Diego and Santa Barbara have merged into peaceful, utopian San Angeles. Unable to stop him with their non-violent solutions, the police release Spartan to help recapture Phoenix. Now after 36 years, Spartan has to adapt himself to the future society he has no knowledge about.

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