Astrology for the Soul November 27, 2024

3 months ago

If my life is not expanding, 
I need to question why, 
What do I fear or need to do, 
So I can spread my wings and fly.

💚 LAST 3 SPOTS! Amazon journey:

It's time to go on the quest for the truth, the Holy Grail, the meaning of life! This new Moon in Sagittarius, accompanied by three trine aspects, indicates an auspicious time of reward for past efforts and a call for further steps to be taken. It's time to walk the path.

Do note that it's not until Saturday! From now until then, as the Moon transits Scorpio, there will be the need to let go. Let go of the habits, conditioning, and fears implanted from the past in preparation for your new beginning. The good news is that you will receive help, support, and recognition from outside, others, and perhaps society at large as I speak of the 240-degree trines occurring with the new Moon in today's report.

This new Moon favors all activities that support the greater good of all. Responsibility is paramount with Venus in Capricorn, and commitment to service with Saturn in Pisces will lead to fruitful results. In some ways, it is a time of reckoning, as false paths and false ways will be revealed for what they are, so let's keep our eyes wide open!

I simply have to offer another King Crimson song after the applause for last week. The Court of the Crimson King is most fitting! ⁠

So Much Love,

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