DC Mass Casualty Event - USAR NATGRD - Killary's Farewell - SGAnon Audio File 83

28 days ago

Once again, SG brings an excellent analysis of the current geopolitical environment in his Anon Audio File #83. Topics contained in this video inlcudes:
Sting Of The Ages
2024 Election Will Be Stolen By Congress
Act Of World War Coming Against Washington DC
Nuclear Events - Armania, Israel, Iran
Killiary's Legacy Farewell - US
National Guard And The Detroit Opera House
[They] Fall - We The People Rise

NOTE: Please don't follow just one Q podcaster. We're not in a cult. No single Q follower has been correct 100% of the time. They speculate and analyze based on what they understand from their research, and sometimes they are wrong. You should follow many Q podcasters and writers to enhance your perception of the big picture and to strengthen your analytical and discernment abilities. We need to be open-minded to other viewpoints. This isn't a I'm more popular than you game. This is about awakening the mass consciousness and to teach those normies who are just awakening how to think for themselves and to stop listening to the propaganda. We agree to disagree, and we're about unity. Also, consider that you may change your mind about an issue later after doing more digging in the rabbit hole. Please do your own research. Never believe anything you watch or hear. It's time to wake up to the deep state illusion that has forced on us.

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