Spraying in OUR air does not just poison YOU.

1 month ago

Spraying in OUR air does not just poison YOU.

With all the BS YOUR selected politicians talk about, do ANY do anything to protect OUR land, OUR sky, OUR seas and all occupants - human, flora and fauna?

The HAARP weapon can be used for the following purposes:
1 Directed energy weapon;
2 Communication system for submarines;
3 System used to fight against satellites by blinding or shooting them down;
4 Improved communication with own satellites under conditions of electronic warfare and solar flares;
5 X-ray emitter;
6 Means of voluntarily creating local, zonal or continental electrical blackouts;
7 Electronic weapon of warfare;
8 High-power wireless power transmission by the Nicola Tesla method;
9 Means of detecting alien objects and craft in space;
10 Means of countering an alien attack from space;
11 A device capable of causing explosions comparable to nuclear explosions;
12 Weapon capable of modifying the environment already used in Geoclimate Warfare;
13 Creation of hurricanes, tornadoes, waterspouts and tsunamis in areas not specific to these types of natural phenomena;
14 Creation of earthquakes by stimulating areas prone to such phenomena and activating volcanoes;
15 Weapons used in psychotronic warfare that can alter brainwaves and control people’s thinking and reactivity (e.g. Havana syndrome).
16 The study and evaluation of underground oil, gas and mineral deposits thousands of kilometres away;
17 Remote survey and destruction of bunkers, depots and any other underground bases;
I would like to mention that these actions listed above are closely related to the emission power and operating regime of HAARP-type installations.
HAARP is also called the Ultimate Weapon or the Weapon of the Apocalypse.Ana InTheLoveitsnofear

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