Colin Flaherty: California's New Motto - Well There Is Not Much We Can Do About Black Violence Crime

3 months ago

California's New Motto - Well There Is Not Much We Can Do About Black Violence Crime - Colin Flaherty Commentary Video "Bay Area Apple stores blitzed and robbed 9 times in 1 month. Can authorities stop it?" "7 arrested in Oakland for Apple store, other robberies" "San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces" California traffic jams and abandon farms

By Michelle Robertson, SFGATE Updated 11:48 am PDT, Thursday, September 27, 2018
These mob-style robberies have occurred at least nine times at six Bay Area Apple stores over the span of a month, from late August to late September. In that time, thieves have pilfered at least $281,000 worth of iPhones, iPads and other Apple devices. Few arrests have been made.

The operation usually goes something like this: A handful of hooded individuals storm an Apple store. They unplug and gather as much merchandise as they can in a few seconds, then run to a getaway vehicle idling out front as customers and security guards look on.

Bay City News Service Published 6:27 pm PDT, Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Seven people have been arrested in Oakland in connection with robberies around the state, including recent thefts at Apple stores, an Alameda County sheriff's spokesman said.

August 1, 20184:28 PM ET
Samantha Raphelson
The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit surveyed 153 blocks of the city in February, finding giant mounds of trash and food on the majority of streets. At least 100 discarded needles and more than 300 piles of human feces were also found in downtown San Francisco, according to the report.

"The contamination is ... much greater than communities in Brazil or Kenya or India," says Riley, who researched health conditions caused by extreme poverty in some of the world's poorest regions.

Street conditions in San Francisco are so bad that a Chicago-based medical association recently decided to cancel future events in the city, including a major convention that normally hosts more than 15,000 attendees, according to the San Francisco Travel Association, which declined to name the organization.

Nuru says the tourism industry is concerned that street conditions will affect the bottom line. According to the San Francisco Travel Association, spending by tourists reached more than $9 billion in 2017.

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