Ben Affleck Shows Off Muscles Filming RIP Amid Divorce

1 month ago

Ben Affleck beams with joy while filming RIP, a thrilling Netflix crime drama, alongside his best friend Matt Damon. The actor flaunts his toned physique as he plays a police officer in the high-intensity film. Amid the filming, the spotlight also shines on Affleck’s personal life, as he navigates his divorce from Jennifer Lopez and embraces new beginnings. Watch for the latest on Ben’s career and how he's moving forward in life and love.

#BenAffleck #MattDamon #JenniferLopez #RIPMovie #BenAffleckNews #CelebrityDivorce #HollywoodGossip #NetflixMovies #CelebrityLife #CrimeThriller #Affleck2024
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