The multi-talented author/highly sought-after speaker Scott Grace is my very special guest!

3 months ago

The multi-talented author/highly sought-after speaker Scott Grace talks about his latest release “Mindful Masculinity: A Book For Men & Women Who Love Them” stripping away the misconceptions, embedded beliefs & behaviors that no longer serve, using his hilarious self-depreciating humor to show his wrongdoings and bring new light to attract people and embellishes one’s authority! Scott is also a singer, public speaker, workshop leader, life coach and standup comedian (opened for Robin Williams, Dana Carvey, etc.), starred in “The Spiritual Dr. Seuss” combining entertainment, wisdom and comedy and later known as “The Boardroom Bard” plus opened for Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay, Les Brown, and 3 presidential candidates etc., and his book is also broken into 50_+ clever fun-to-read stories on subjects that shapes a man’s life & the partner he shares with! Check out the amazing Scott Grace and his latest release (plus many more) on all major platforms and today! #scottgrace #author #publicspeaker #workshopleader #mindfulmasculinity #singer #lifecoach #standupcomedian #robinwilliams #danacarvey #deepakchopra #lesbrown #thespiritualdrseuss #menshealth #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerscottgrace #themikewagnershowscottgrace

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