Looks can be Deceiving

4 months ago

There was a game show in the United States called “To Tell the Truth.” There were 3 different people and they all said they were the same person. One person was telling the truth and the other two were imposters. The contestant in the game show had to figure out, who was actually telling the truth.

So we are going to play a slightly different variation of this game.

The photo in this email shows two stalks of what is supposedly wheat, but only one of them is truly a stalk of wheat. Do you know which is which?

I know I wouldn’t have known for sure except for preparing for this message and studying the different weeds that look like wheat. So all of you who chose the stalk on the right, are incorrect. That is called Wall Barley and the stalk on the left is Wheat. They look very similar and they are fully grown. Imagine how similar or almost identical they must look when they are still growing.

Jesus’s latest parable reminds us that not just for stalks of grain, but for people, “Looks Can Be Deceiving.”

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