4 Books to break the Matrix:

1 month ago

✔️The Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan
✔️The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg
✔️The Secrets of the Federal Reserve + Murder by injection by Eustace Mullins
Knowledge makes change: otherwise we keep repeating the nonsense.
About the photo:
✔️Covid 19 = Radio wave sickness
✔️1976 Swine Flu = Radio wave sickness
✔️1919 Kansas Flu = Radio wave sickness
🤔1921: Radio wave sickness is longer allowed to be diagnosed. Changing the name to influenza, anxiety, chronic fatigue, and auto immune. Book: The invisible rainbow. Let the truth shine.
I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment.
Thank you all for following me. I would have never thought I would touch so many anon's, Patriots and other's lives....
Always Question the algorithms 🤔🤔🤔
ThanQ, AlgorythemQ
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