Rahan. Episode one hundred and twenty six. By Roger Lecureux. The Five claws. A Puke (TM) Comic.

3 months ago


Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.


Son of the fierce ages!

Episode one hundred and twenty six.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The Five claws.

The son of Crao was used to these clashes.
But this time he had let himself be surprised by the gorilla and from the first attack, had lost his ivory knife.
Ha-ha! You are stronger than Rahan "four hands"!

His vertebrae cracked under the tight grip of hairy arms.
His vision blurred and he knew he was going to die!

But the embrace suddenly relaxed and the gorilla froze.
What. What. Why are you giving Rahan a break?

Page Two.

Then the monster collapsed and he saw the arrow stuck in his back, just at the level of the heart!

Without you, Rahan would have joined the "shadow territory"! Rahan thanks his unknown sister!
The young woman who came out of the undergrowth kept her bow drawn.

Do not thank me! Our clan needs slaves! It would have been a shame to let a hunter of your strength be killed by a stupid "Four hands"!

You will walk before me without trying to flee, Rahan! You have seen that the arrows of I-Nou never miss their target!

A high cliff soon appeared at the foot of which lived a clan composed largely of women.

The son of Crao was surrounded and pushed towards the sorcerer who tore off his necklace.
No! No! Give Rahan back his necklace back!

Page Three.

You give great importance to vulgar claws! Could they have a magical power!
The necklace is not magic! For Rahan it is only a precious souvenir!

Rahan recalled the night he hunted on the blue mountain, the one where the dying Crao had left him the necklace.
Each claw symbolizes a virtue, Rahan! "Wisdom", "loyalty", "courage", "tenacity", "generosity".

You must remain faithful to these virtues all your life, my son!
Rahan swears it, father!

"Wisdom"! "Courage"! Loyalty"! "Tenacity"! "Generosity"!
And you claim to possess these qualities?
To the irony of I-Hark, the clan leader.

The son of Crao contrasted his usual modesty.
Rahan does not pretend anything! He only tries to be faithful to these virtues!

I-Tukk, the sorcerer was pensive.
The hunter who could gather the five virtues you speak of would be worthy of becoming clan leader.

Page Four.

But maybe you are lying to us, Rahan! Until we know, you will be our slave!
We entrust you to I-Nou, who knew how to capture you!

The slavery to which Rahan was to be subjected quickly proved to be very curious.
There is only one spring in our entire territory! You will have to bring back the water!
We will demand only that from you!

I-Nou led him to this spring which flowed down the side of the cliff.
Many of our hunters perished long ago.

The day the mountains became angry and the earth opened up to swallow them!

The lives of those who remain are precious! That is why we need slaves to fetch water!
Rahan does not comprehend.

Look up there and you will understand!
A huge rock that ran across the sky, balanced on the edge of the cliff, just above the spring!

Page Five.

This rock could fall at any moment!
And you would rather risk the life of a slave than that of the hunters of our clan! Go get the water, Rahan! Go!

That day the son of Crao went to the spring, under the menacing rock that seemed to sway in the sky.

He returned without incident.
We have been watching you, Rahan! You showed no fear!
Yes! Rahan was scared.

So you showed "Courage"! You deserve that we return a claw of your necklace!
I-Tukk the sorcerer, returned the claw of “Courage” to Rahan.

Who suddenly exclaimed.
The men of this clan have empty heads!
For seasons and seasons they have lived under the threat of the rock.

And it did not occur to them to get rid of this threat by deliberately dropping the rock!

Page Six.

Rahan will climb up there and he will make the rock tip over!
This is crazy! The only way to scale the cliff is the one from the spring just under the rock!

Rahan thinks it is better to face danger rather than live under constant threat!
And maybe that's wisdom! Look, “hair of fire”!
The sorcerer returned the claw of wisdom.

He might indeed escape, I-Hark!
But he will not! A loyal hunter does not break his word!

With the clan looking on, Rahan began the brilliant climb.
Why did you give him back his knife? If he gets up there, he will escape us!

The son of Crao had climbed onto the crest of the cliff and was trying in vain to tip the rock over.
Rah! It is impossible.
It would take ten Rahans!

He went back down through the source fault, and rejoined the clan.
You could have run away, Rahan, but you were true to your word!
Page Seven.

Since the rock has not fallen, it will never fall! The clan has nothing more to fear!

I-Hark is wrong! Rains and storms can erode the cliff crest. And the rock will fall one day or another! The danger remains.

And that is why, tomorrow Rahan will try something else!
The son of Crao had earned the respect of the clan, except for I-Hark, who felt his authority threatened.

Rahan meditated for a long time, thinking back on the countless discoveries he had made during his adventurous life.
His thoughts focused on the "Lever" which he had used several times.

That morning.
Rahan is going back up the cliff!
Your "Tenacity" is admirable "Fire Hair"!
Here take this back.
The sorcerer restored the fourth claw, that of tenacity.

Rahan knows how to make the rock fall. But one of you should go with him!
A murmur ran through the clan.

Page Eight.

Someone with you! But who?
Uh. Rahan thinks a leader should lead by example and.
All eyes fell on I-Hark.

Who no longer dared, who could no longer shirk.
This is folly! But I-Hark will go with you!
That is very good, I-Hark! Give us some solid axes!

An instant later, the two men scaled the cliff of the source.

When they reached the cliff, they cut down and pruned a tree with a strong trunk.
Rahan is sure we will succeed, I-Hark! We must succeed!

A little later. Ra-ha-ha!

The long but solid lever threatened to break.
But the enormous rock swayed a little more with each of their efforts.

And suddenly.
They succeeded.
The rock finally fell into the void. The clan's cheering clamor turned into a murmur of amazement.

Page Nine.

Because up there, on the edge of the rift, Rahan and I-Hark were fighting!
You wanted to humiliate me to take my place, "Fire-Hair"!
One of us must die!

Rahan does not kill those who walk upright!
But he will defend his life!
As the chief rushed forward, his axe raised.

The son of Crao demonstrated his remarkable skill

The clash continued in the open air.
You are going to take the same path as the rock!
The rage increased I-Hark's strength tenfold and it took him over.

But his advantage only lasted for a moment. He soon found himself at Rahan's mercy.
You are the one who could take the path to the rock!
But Rahan told you he does not steal the life of "Those-who-walk-upright"!

The clan saw the two men descend the fault along the source, which could now be approached without any risk.
Page Ten.

Our clan will owe a lot to the hunter with the "Fire-Hair"!
We owe you too, for your "Capture," I-Nou!

Shortly after, I-Hark harangued his people.
I attacked Rahan by surprise, on the cliff.
So he had the right to rush me. But he did not!

The leader insisted on returning the fifth claw of the necklace himself, that of "Generosity."
You have proven to us that you truly possess the five virtues!

And I was wrong to believe that you envied my position!
Yes, You see everything.
Rahan will never become the leader of a clan.
Because he feels that he is a member of all clans!

Because he still has a lot to learn, a lot of unknown things to discover!
Rahan was without a care, light and happy.
Happy to feel the five claws jumping on his chest again.
Happy to have been faithful to the oath made long ago to Crao the wise.

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