Dragon Quest 4: Chapters of the Chosen ep 17 Mintos, Parthenia, Ice Cave, Alena and Co.

2 months ago

DQ4 DS-Mini medal checklist

DQ4 DS-Immigrant location

DQ4 DS-locked doors

We head into the town of Mintos where we meet Kiryl and Borya. Kiryl is very ill and Alena has gone to find a cure for him. Borya joins us and we set off in search of it rather than wait. We find the feverfew root seeds in a ice cave, a pretty neat dungeon with an interesting gimmick, and return it to the Parthenians to grow. Root in hand, we head back to Mintos to save Kiryl and he and Alena gratefully join our merry band. Only one hero left!

0:00 Intro
1:23 Mintos day
18:17 Mintos night
22:04 Exploring the continent
27:50 Parthenia day
34:13 Parthenia night
38:13 Ice cave
56:25 Parthenian heroes
1:03:53 Kiryl saved
1:12:04 What to do?
1:13:55 Outro

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