The Re(Nyoo)ed Mind Podcast Episode #9: Our Thanksgiving Day Special!

3 months ago

In this special episode of the Re(Nyoo)ed Mind Podcast, hosts Dr. Luther Smith and Madeline Clark while attempting to be funny talk about their favorite Thanksgiving food and games, and then go into a brief history of the American holiday and its importance to believers, and finish with discussing how a counselor can use the practice and attitude of giving thanks as an intervention in the counseling process.

Welcome to the Re(Nyoo)ed (Pronounced ”Renewed”) Mind Podcast. Your hosts, Dr. Luther Smith and Madeline Clark, explore the world of counseling biblically and bridge the gap to a more holistic understanding of how Scripture, psychology, and counseling intersect. The Re(Nyoo)ed Mind Podcast provides insightful discussions, interviews, and transformative ideas that align with the wisdom of Scripture.

You can also watch The Re(Nyoo)ed Mind Podcast on the following platforms:


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Song Intro and Outro: "For Angels We Have Heard on High" by which can be found here:

As mentioned in the episode below are certain studies that underscore the act and practice of giving thanks and how giving thanks impacts a person's mindset and attitude:

Lai, S. T., & O’Carroll, R. E. (2017). ‘The Three Good Things’–The effects of gratitude practice on wellbeing: A randomised controlled trial. Health Psychology Update, 26(1), 10-18. (Link to Article)

Ahmed, A. R., & Ali, S. M. (2023). Giving Thanks Works: A Correlational Study of Gratitude and Mental Wellbeing Among College Students. Journal of Mass Communication Department, Dept of Mass Communication, University of Karachi, 29. (Link To Article)

Petrocchi, N., & Couyoumdjian, A. (2016). The impact of gratitude on depression and anxiety: The mediating role of criticizing, attacking, and reassuring the self. Self and Identity, 15(2), 191-205. (Link to Article)

Tulbure, B. T. (2015). Appreciating the positive protects us from negative emotions: The relationship between gratitude, depression and religiosity. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 187, 475-480. (Link To Article)

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