Did The Supreme Court Rule In Favor of Loy Brunson and If So What Does That Mean

2 months ago

After the 2020 fraudulent elections occurred there were many people who were trying to figure out what they could do to reverse the outcome of the election and to show that the election was really won by Donald Trump thus establishing justice immediately after the election. Many different things were tried but everything seemed to hit a stone wall showing that the corruption was just not only in the election but also in the courts and in all halls of justice. Two brothers the Brunson Brothers decided to take a different approach. Loy decided that he would sue the representatives in the house of Congress for dereliction of duty and for not abiding by the law by dishonoring their oath of office to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic and for not granting 10 days to investigate reports of fraud in the election before certifying the election. There are some indications that after an arduous process of 4 years of fighting in the courts, that the Supreme Court might have ruled in favor regarding Loy Brunson’s complaints and lawsuit. So, what would be the effect if they have in fact ruled in favor of Brunson’s case? Would changes be gradual or could they happen overnight? We’ll mull all these things over this Tuesday on opposing the matrix.

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