5D Spiritual Perception ... Understanding 5D Video Compilation

3 months ago

The 5D spiritual space emerging right now is among the individuals spreading and promoting this idea in relationship to a higher understanding. In 5D we feel the energy words carry, while we realize they're only words.

The word leader(s) describes this 5D perception. The words carry a spiritual frequency communicating the vibration and energy that manifests as leading and as leader(ship) ... that's a spiritual quality needed among the 5D thinkers.

In 5D we're looking to network with high-vibe spiritual individuals to help communicate 5D concepts into the 3D construct of our world. Together we're creating illuminating cracks into the higher understanding of 5D perception.

Most words have 3D comprehension limits .... it's like saying ice is cold and water is wet. To those not at a 5D consciousness these simple word concepts are action offerings toward illuminating deeper understanding. This is the spiritual consciousness we energetically comprehend within 5D perception.

Many of us already at 5D in their solo-journeys see these 5D spiritual messages as obviously revealing truth. There are many individual voices pointing to their own truth messages (leading) and they're mostly alone in that sharing.

5D perception is here to collect these wisdom tid-bits that each one of us spiritually own. We are supporting these spiritual energies by echoing and amplifying these 5D concepts. 5D is something we're all discovering now in real-time. Are you at 5D?

How that manifests physically with each one of us is different. (via videos, podcasts, blogs, social media, books, etc,) It's these 5D spiritual energies we're all sensing around this topic. Let's amplify these 5D concepts throughout humanity ... feel the spiritual energy in ... "leading" ... making this a 5D sentence to comprehend what we're all feeling within.

Leading is important ... feel the spiritual energy that word carries .. not the dictionary definition of the word but the spiritual characteristics it implies. All words are 3D perceptions that actually constrict understanding.

We're referencing the spiritual energy of being up front, open and willing to be the first to share, to lead. We encourage you to lead by your own example, your 5D spiritual vantage point worth is certainly worth sharing.

#5dconsciousness #spirituality #newhuman #spiritualitytiktok

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