The Seleucid Empire

3 months ago

Welcome to UnRecalled History! Join us as we continue our journey through time to rediscover the Forgotten Empires and Kingdoms that shaped the world. Learn their stories, explore their legacies, and honor the lost realms that defined the course of history....

Forgotten Empires and Kingdoms Part 8: The Seleucid Empire

Imagine an empire stretching from modern-day Turkey to the Hindu Kush in India, enduring over two centuries, yet remembered today mainly as the antagonists in the story of Chanukah. This is the tale of the Seleucid Empire—a saga of conquest, ambition, and relentless struggle for survival...

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00:00 – Intro
00:25 – The Rise of Seleucus I Nicator
00:49 – The Seleucid Empire Expands East
00:57 – Securing the West Against Antigonus I
01:14 – Achieving Alexander the Great's Dream of a Blended Hellenistic and Persian Culture
01:29 – The Empire's Achilles Heel
01:37 – The Empire Begins to Fracture
01:52 – Antiochus The Great and The Battle of Magnesia
02:15 – Antiochus IV Epiphanes and Judea
02:28 – Judah Maccabee and The Maccabean Revolt
02:47 – Parthia and Armenia Rebel
03:07 – Recapturing Jerusalem, John Hyrcanus, and Civil War
03:24 – Internal Rebellions (Judean Independence, Armenian and Parthian Encroachment)
02:15 – The Fall of the Empire to Pompey The Great and Rome
03:53 – A Saga of Conquest, Ambition, and Survival

#History #Documentary #forgottenempires

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