The American Indian Archives at the Oklahoma Historical Society

2 months ago

The Oklahoma Historical Society is an Affiliated Archives for the records of the Five Civilized Tribes (Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole Indians), as well as the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian Tribes of Oklahoma. Affiliated Archives are public or non-profit archives that hold Federal records owned by the National Archives and provide the public access to the Federal records placed in their holdings. The American Indian Archives consists of federal Indian records placed in the society's custody in 1934 by act of Congress. Containing over 3.5 million documents and some 6,000 plus volumes, it represents 66 of the 67 tribes that either were relocated to Oklahoma by forced removal, or who are native to the state.

This video was produced by the Oklahoma Historical Society in conjunction with the society's 75th anniversary celebration. This video is posted with permission from the Oklahoma Historical Society.

Transcript (PDF):

More information about Affiliated Archives and the records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs can be found at: and

For more information about the Oklahoma Historical Society, visit their website:

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