Celebrating 10 Years of the David M Rubenstein Records of Rights Gallery

1 month ago

For 10 years, visitors to the National Archives have enjoyed the David M. Rubenstein Records of Rights Exhibition. Anchored by the only copy of the Magna Carta in the United States, the gallery explores a range of individual rights issues and features key federal legislation and the stories of individual citizens’ struggles and triumphs to secure their rights. To honor the first decade of success, this program examines how rights are defined over time in our participatory republic. Speakers include David M. Rubenstein, National Archives Foundation Chair Secretary Rodney Slater, and a scholar panel including Julieanna Richardson, Elisabeth Griffith, and Mark Updegrove moderated by the Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan. The program will be followed by a reception with light refreshments.

For live captioning, use: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=27090-NARA-Celebrating.10.Years

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