Stories from the Center of the World (w/ Jordan Elgrably) | The Chris Hedges Report

3 months ago

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The years of war and terror experienced in the Middle East have left its people, as Jordan Elgrably tells host Chris Hedges, “tired of saying that [they’re] human too.” In this episode of The Chris Hedges Report, Elgrably discusses the stories that remind English-speaking Western readers of the humanity behind those from this often misunderstood and misrepresented region.

In “Stories From the Center of the World: New Middle East Fiction,” 25 authors weave together unique tales that offer a nuanced and substantive portrayal of the region. Hedges and Elgrably explore a handful of the stories, delving into themes such as the struggles of working class immigrants, the challenges of adjusting to life in the Middle East after years in American society and more.

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