Trump speaks to Muslim

3 months ago

Germany ?????????????????
Well, where Churchill was not yet allowed to/could/wanted to have too much effect, people are still capable of objective objectivity... The question arises how are prisoners of war in succession, #stillOCCUPIED #DISARMEDenemies, supposed to free themselves "by themselves", when the terrorists with briefcases and suits/robes, the corrupt cooperative complex implanted here by Allied so-called friends, here like a mafia clan that hijacked our biophilic nation state, exercise all power Machiavellian with all state power, dear @realDonaldTrump "19th president of the US-republic"? Please Forgive the inconvenience, but deprived of everything even of our mental abilities, I have no choice but to speak clearly and argue... It's not an attack against you, just an expression of desperate anger. Best regards from the Gulag BRiD the US-made Trademark called Germany.
Look at Trump’s hands.
This is his famous upside-down-triangle gesture.
It’s called the
“tip of the spear.”
It’s the opposite of the Cabal’s “Roc” sign.

He flashes this when he’s sitting next to Deepstate.
Reversing the curse!!

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