A Princess of Mars - Episode 11 - Chapters 20 and 21

3 months ago

It is the year 1885, and defeated Confederate Officer John (Jack) Carter of Virginia has gone to Arizona to prospect for gold to help rebuild his destroyed fortunes. Strange events will unfold there which will ultimately pitch him into the midst of another war...this one on another planet...and will earn him the undying love of an alien princess.
Having escaped the clutches of the vicious Warhoons, John Carter finds himself alone, and must journey to the nearest city to find refuge amongst the sworn enemies of his beloved Dejah Thoris.
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My apologies for the lateness of this episode. I was not able to complete more before I went on vacation.

As always, I would like to give a shoutout to my editor Graygor for his awesome work.

Please let me know if you like the new intro music.

The intro music is Miguel Johnsons "Unexplored Moon" from the "Expedition Artemis" album, and is used with permission of the creator.
The album can be listened to on Bandcamp here:
Please give him a listen and perhaps some support.

I would like to thank you one and all for your continued support.

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