The Ruff: Close Up HD Footage (Philomachus pugnax)

3 months ago

The Ruff is a fascinating wading bird that's quite the sight during breeding season. The male birds put on an incredible show - they grow a fancy collar of feathers around their necks and come in different colour combinations, which is quite unusual in the bird world. You might spot them showing off to female birds in special areas called leks, where they puff up their collars and dance about.
These birds are medium-sized, about the size of a small pigeon, and you'll find them in wet grasslands and coastal areas. The interesting bit is that the males and females look completely different - the females are much smaller and don't have those showy breeding feathers. They're called 'reeves', while only the males are called ruffs.
In the UK, you're most likely to see them during their migration periods, especially in autumn. They love eating insects, worms, and small water creatures, which they find by poking about in muddy areas with their beaks.

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