Reading of the 1560 Geneva Bible - Day 331 of 366 (Acts 7-8) Season 2

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Reading of the 1560 Geneva Bible - Day 331 of 366 (Acts 7-8) Season 2 - "The Rise of the Spirit and the Shattering of Tradition"

In tonight's reading, we delve into the powerful events of the early Church as it experiences both profound witness and fierce opposition.

Acts, Chapter 7: The Final Defense of Stephen

The chapter begins with the high priest questioning Stephen, leading him to deliver a stirring defense before the Sanhedrin. He recounts the history of Israel, highlighting figures such as Abraham, Joseph, and Moses, and how the people often rejected God’s chosen messengers. Stephen culminates his speech with a bold accusation against the religious leaders, calling them stiff-necked and resistant to the Holy Spirit. Angered by his words, they drag him out and stone him, making Stephen the first Christian martyr. In a gripping scene, he sees a vision of Jesus at the right hand of God, and echoes Christ's own words by praying for the forgiveness of his executioners as he breathes his last.

Acts, Chapter 8: The Persecution Begins and the Spread of the Gospel

The chapter opens with Saul's consent to Stephen's execution, marking him as a fervent persecutor of the Church. Following Stephen's death, a wave of persecution sweeps through Jerusalem, forcing many believers to flee to Judea and Samaria while the apostles remain behind. Amidst this chaos, the scattered followers of Christ carry the message of the Gospel into new territories. Philip, one of the deacons, emerges as a key figure, performing miracles and preaching in Samaria, leading to many conversions. The chapter emphasizes the power of faith amid adversity, illustrating how the early Church, although battered by persecution, flourished and expanded its reach.

#ActsOfTheApostles #EarlyChurch #StephenMartyr #PersecutionAndFaith #SpreadOfTheGospel #TruthRightBack


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