"Moana Live-Action: Heartfelt Scene with Catherine Laga'aia"

1 month ago

Moana fans get a glimpse of the emotional depth in the upcoming live-action remake, starring Catherine Laga'aia. Watch as she shares a tender moment with Chief Tui, played by John Tui, in a heartfelt beach scene filmed in Hawaii. This behind-the-scenes preview teases what’s to come in Disney’s highly anticipated live-action remake of the classic animated film. Stay tuned for more insights and updates about the film’s release.

#MoanaLiveAction #DisneyRemake #CatherineLaga'aia #JohnTui #LiveActionMoana #BehindTheScenes #FilmPreview #HawaiiBeachScene #DisneyFans #FrankieAdams #EmotionalScene #Moana2024 #MovieTeaser
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