ROMANS # 381, God's plan is customized specifically for us and it is perfect. (11-26-24)

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and to be helped (inf.ap), on my way there by you, Paul likely hoped for the Roman believers to support him for his Spanish mission.
25) but now, I am going to Jerusalem to continue in serving the saints.

Paul had an agenda where he had plans to visit Rome and the believers and churches there and then press on to Spain.
Paul wasn’t trying to convert the world; He was saving individuals. His routine was to give the gospel, establish a church, ordain men who had not been to theological semi-nary, and left the Scriptures and the young believers to them. The rest is up to God the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said, “All that the Father gives to me shall come to me” (John 6:37), and we can be sure that not one of His chosen ones will be overlooked or fall away. He saves and keeps all who are His own.

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