Messenger 11 Michelle Lee Hardesty Narcissistic Personality Disorder

3 months ago

Question is does Michelle family know that she hates the Military?

I thought Michelle just got done saying how great of a man her dad and uncle were for serving in the Korean War? Wait what Now she hates Military?

Attention Seeking Michelle Lee Hardesty Messenger 11.

I wonder if the Longview Police know that Michelle hates Law Enforcment.

You said you spent all night in the phone with the Cops? Do they know you hate Cops Michelle?

Do the Cops know that Michelle has been threatening Title 18 Violations against the department and has made slandering Videos against their officers?

I wonder if Michelle sent another email to her kids with this fake suicide attempt last night. like she did when she sent her fake obituary email to Forest back months ago.

You know Michelle loves to seek attention. Considering her kids pity her.

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