The Dockerfile - What is it and how to use it?

2 months ago

In this video, we go over what the Dockerfile is and how to use it.

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0:00 - Intro
0:15 - What is a Dockerfile?
1:48 - The Dockerfile Syntax
2:48 - Important Considerations
3:39 - The Dockerfile Instructions begin
3:58 - FROM Instruction
5:34 - LABEL Instruction
6:22 - ENV Instruction
7:07 - RUN Instruction
7:45 - ADD Instruction
8:28 - COPY Instruction
9:01 - ENTRYPOINT Instruction
9:39 - CMD Instruction
10:22 - EXPOSE Instruction
10:55 - VOLUME Instruction
11:19 - USER Instruction
11:50 - WORKDIR Instruction
12:21 - ARG Instruction
12:53 - ONBUILD Instruction
13:28 - STOPSIGNAL Instruction
13:45 - HEALTHCHECK Instruction
14:24 - SHELL Instruction
14:58 - HERE-DOCUMENTS Instruction
15:18 - Sample Dockerfile
16:53 - Thanks and Support

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