Abbotsford police used excessive force initiating an unprovoked attack using OCS spray

2 months ago

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used excessive force by initiating an unprovoked attack using OCS spray without warning on Kristopher Kamienik in order to enforce a municipal parking bylaw.
Not only was this disgusting excessive use of force and the subsequent arrest unlawful given the Supreme Court case law of R v Sharma 1993, it was also a blatant violation of his right to freedom of assembly and protest.
The ladder point was demonstrated by the fact that they ransacked his home, destroyed his property and specifically ruined all his protest signs for absolutely no reason. Not to mention that the "plan of attack" was clearly pre-planned by all the officers involved.. Watch for the "📷"...
In my opinion this was clearly politically motivated retaliation and 100% an unlawful arrest. As of yet no charges have been laid.
Please help & support Kris right now by sharing the sh*t out of this video📷
#FreedomDiesInTheDark #policestate

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