6 - The Evidence – Antares, the next supernova?

3 months ago

The 2019 dip in Betelgeuse taught us how supernovae form.
By checking all the supernovae and supernovae remnants crossings, we discovered that the rays of the star SN1054 will cross the star Antares.
But, not knowing the exact distances, we cannot calculate the crossing and the probable explosion.

Someone came to our aid: the brightness trend of Betelgeuse before 2019 is very similar to that of Antares.
Almost all the peaks and minimums match. By following the graph, we deduce that Antares, if it follows this brightness trend, should explode in December 2026.
Another confirmation has arrived in these last few months: in March 2024, the brightness data was not available but it had been published on the website.
After just 6 months, the new curves were exactly the same as those of Betelgeuse before the great dip in brightness.

Further confirmation that the star will likely explode as a supernova.

Jesus return, Christ return, last times, end times, cosmic rays, revelation, Apocalypse, supernova, Betelgeuse dim, Antares, Antares supernova, tribulation, pre tribulation, great tribulation, new world, new age, last times signs, great deception, return of Christ, Bible prophecies, Daniel prophecies, 144000 saints, end of the world, Biblical times calculation, faithful and discreet servant, faithful and discreet slave, 4 Horses of the Apocalypse, supervolcano, pre tribulation signs, great tribulation signs, Jesus born date, Three wise men.

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